Meet The Team: Roarke M.


Roarke M. is a freshman poli-sci/pre-law major at Pepperdine University and specializes in math tutoring for PCH. Yes, her parents named her after Sandra Bullock’s character in A Time to Kill. They just thought it was cool. Real-life Roarke is pretty cool, too - read more and see for yourself!

Where are you from?

My dad is from Australia and mom is from Indiana. I was born in Australia and lived there for a short bit before we moved back to Terre Haute, Indiana. I’m a dual citizen.

How did you end up at Pepperdine?

I had a close family friend in LA. After he attended a church service at Pepperdine, he wholeheartedly believed I should go there. I’d applied for several colleges around the US but just to humor him, I sent an application to Pepperdine as well. When I finally went for a visit, though, I really liked it. And here I am.

What are you studying?

I’m a freshman in political science and pre-law, with a nonprofit management minor.

Do you know what you’d like to do with these degrees after you graduate?

At this point, I’m hoping to leave my options open - with a law degree I know I can do a range of things, but with the nonprofit management I’d like to get into the social action and justice realm; the human rights sphere of things. I found that passion at the end of high school, and because of that I love how diverse it is out here in Californi

Talk about your passion for social justice.

My first year at Pepperdine I took a seminar in social action and justice - I’d never gotten to take a class like that, ever. It was incredible to experience learning about being less discriminatory and more accepting, but in a classroom setting. It changed my outlook and in general how I live my life - even how I talk in conversation with people and how I see the media and politics. It’s expanded my mind and desire to be a better human to others. I hope to one day bring some of that California culture to places like back home.

How did you get started with PCH Tutors?

Once I got to Pepperdine last summer, I needed to work. I joined the Pi Beta Phi sorority - and a majority of the girls are tutors. They hooked me up with PCH and I got started right away. It’s been a super awesome connection.

Do you have any tutoring success stories?

I started tutoring toward the middle of fall semester, so at first I was picking up students who were getting Ds or failing their math classes, which was a challenge to jump into it. But a lot of the students I tutor are freshmen in high school and I’m really not that much older than they are, so it’s cool to be able to connect on a more friendship-type level and give them encouraging support, like to be able to text them and say, “Good luck on your test. Our relationship isn’t just working on graphs all weekend.

I’ve made some super awesome friendships with some of the girls I’ve gotten to tutor, and now it’s been nice to be able to start strong this spring semester with fresh classes and grades. It’s also been awesome to make family connections since I’m so far from home. I even go to the same church as one of my student’s families!

What have you learned since becoming a tutor?

I’ve figured out that I learn in a different way than I have figured out some of these students learn. Even though most of my students are freshmen and sophomores all taking the same class, I have to approach every single person in a different way because they all learn in different ways. Some prefer going through problems on a whiteboard, some of us talk through things first, some need metaphors, and some just need me to show them how it works. At first I tried to teach them all in the same way I was tutored, but then I realized that as a tutor you have to be dynamic enough to help everyone succeed in their own special way. That’s what I’m learning to develop and grow in more right now.

You’re home in Indiana for spring break right now. How are your students faring without you?

I FaceTime whenever I’m at home with my kids who need regular weekly lessons. I’ve done it before, helping someone write their essays. It’s great!

What do you do for fun?

I played golf in high school and now that I’m officially “retired,” I often end up at Top Golf with my friends. I’m here right now!

I sing on the celebration chapel worship band at Pepperdine, carrying over my choir passion from high school when I sang in the choir. I also participate in Pi Beta Phi philanthropy, of course - every now and then we go to a nearby school and read to kids which is super cool, and lines up with my passion for helping grow in their academics.

Have you read anything good lately that you’d recommend?

Yes! Tortilla Curtain - a lot of my students live in Topanga Canyon so it’s very cool that the story is set here - it’s about a refugee who immigrated from Mexico to California and lives in Topanga Canyon. It’s essentially about the journey of his life and the integration of people who come from Mexico to California.
