Meet The Team: Imani W.

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Imani W. was born in Nairobi, Kenya, and grew up in Johannesburg, South Africa. She wanted a significant change during her college years and sought “A completely different environment surrounded by new sights, smells, tastes.” She’s not quite sure how she ended up at Pepperdine, but it turned out to be the exact contrast she was looking for and she’s pretty glad she came.

“Every time a student says, ‘Oh that’s it, that’s so simple!’ is a memorable moment for me.” - Imani W.

What are you studying and how did you choose your major?

I am studying computer science and mathematics. I chose these because I have always been curious about the world that we live in and what governs it, if anything. I have always been a wanderer, explorer, and dreamer - as we all are - and wanted to study the laws of nature that are encoded in mathematical symbols. My life and appreciation for nature and its beauty is what lead me to mathematics. Computer science seemed like a modern and practical application for these studies so I chose to major in that. I was also motivated by the technological progress of the world and the amazing ability for computation to make remote learning a possibility. 

Spending time in Kenya, one gains understanding of the potentially life-changing outcomes that can come from providing access to quality education for those who would not otherwise have the chance to evolve their lives due to the limitations imposed upon them. Computer science - and technology in general, I thought - were good mediums to provide mass relief to such people.

What do you plan to do once you graduate? 

I don’t know yet!

How and why did you start tutoring?

I have a younger sister who really does not like math and I would help her with her math homework, always trying to make it a fun experience. This was my first tutoring experience. I then started informally tutoring my friends and classmates. I would help them with homework and teach them before tests, mostly in computer science. I started tutoring with PCH Tutors because it is a great opportunity for me to test my knowledge on a subject. To paraphrase Einstein, true intelligence is the ability to make something complex seem simple. Ultimately, any subject matter, no matter how complex it may appear, can be reduced to a simpler form. Thus, all the most complex forms of mathematics rely on the most simple principles and providing students this ability to see something complex in a simpler form is why I started tutoring.

What’s your favorite part about tutoring?

My favorite part about tutoring is connecting with the student. We are all so unique and have so much to offer the world and each other. I really enjoy interacting with students and finding the specific learning style that suits them. I am also a student and understand the stresses of being in school and really enjoy being able to provide students with the ability to adjust their perception about school and their engagement with subject matter that they may not particularly enjoy while learning how to alleviate the anxiety that comes from not performing as well as you wanted to. I find that a lot of students believe that they are inherently bad at a subject and it is amazing to see them start to become confident in their work and capabilities.

Do you have any success stories or memorable moments from tutoring?

Every time a student says, “Oh that’s it, that’s so simple!” is a memorable moment for me.

What is something you’ve learned about yourself through tutoring?

I’ve learned that I really enjoy teaching! I would never have thought that prior to tutoring but I really like making the learning process as fun as possible. 

What is the biggest advice or a favorite mantra you share with your students?

School is a place to learn: enjoy the process of learning first without attaching yourself to a particular letter grade. 

What else do you do for fun? 

Hiking, photography, and sunbathing. 

Have you read any good books lately?

I recently read a book called Second Life which was about virtual reality and its ability to give individuals who are confined to bedrest due to illness the opportunity to explore the world and interact with others virtually. I enjoyed the book as I believe in the advancement of the human species in a holistic manner; it is vital for us all to employ humanitarian efforts in all our endeavors and this was a beautiful illustration. 

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